Telling Time in Hours TimeIn WordsExample 12:00Twelve o'clock 1:00One o'clock 2:00Two o'clock 3:00Three o'clock 4:00Four o'clock 5:00Five o'clock 6:00Six o'clock 7:00Seven o'clock 8:00Eight o'clock 9:00Nine o'clock 10:00Ten o'clock 11:00Eleven o'clock 12:00Twelve o'clock A Digital Clock Would Show: The time in text form is: How to round to the nearest hour. If the clock shows 30 or more minutes, round upward to the next hour. If the clock shows less than 30 minutes, round down to the current hour.
A Digital Clock Would Show: The time in text form is:
How to round to the nearest hour. If the clock shows 30 or more minutes, round upward to the next hour. If the clock shows less than 30 minutes, round down to the current hour.
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