Adding Three Numbers

How to add three numbers (for example 45 + 82 + 67).

  • Place the numbers in a column so that the tens' place digits and ones' place digits are lined up. Draw a line under the bottom number.
  • 45
  • Add the three ones' place digits. (5 + 2 + 7 = 14). This sum is a two-digit number, so place a one above the tens' place column and place the four below the line in the ones' place column.
  • 1
  • Add the numbers in the tens' place column (1 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 19) and place the answer below the line and to the left of the ones' place sum
  •   1
  • If the sum of the ones' place digits is less than ten no number is placed above the tens' place column

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