Adding Dollars, Dimes and Pennies

A penny is worth 1 cent, a dime is worth 10 cents and a dollar is worth 100 cents.

How to add dollars, dimes and pennies.

  • Count by hundreds the number of dollars to find the number of cents the dollars are worth
  • Starting at this total, count up by tens for the number of dimes.
  • Count the number of pennies by ones starting at the previous total.

Example: How many cents are 7 dollars, 4 dimes and 3 pennies worth?

  • Count by hundreds seven times for the seven dollars 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700
  • Count by tens for the 4 dimes: 710, 720, 730, 740
  • Count by ones for the 3 pennies: 741, 742, 743
  • Answer: 7 dollars, 4 dimes and 3 pennies are worth 743¢
  • 743¢ is the same as $7.43 since there are 100 cents per dollar

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  =    ¢   
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