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Second Grade Hands-On Activities
- Measure length to the nearest inch and centimeter.
- Estimate length to the nearest inch and centimeter and check by measuring.
- Estimate and determine the area of shapes which are drawn on graph paper by
counting the number of squares included within the shape.
- Estimate and determine the volume of a rectangular box by counting the number of
cubes it contains.
- Measure the weight of objects using a scale or balance to the nearest pound or
- Estimate the weight of objects and check by measuring the actual weight.
- Compare metric and U.S. units by measuring volume (cups, pints, quarts, gallons,
liters) using measuring instruments. Describe the relationship between the
volumes as more, less or about equivalent.
- Describe and identify solid geometric shapes by the number and shape of faces,
number of edges, shape of base and the number of corners. Work with spheres, cones,
cylinders, cubes and rectangular solids.
- Compare plane and solid geometric shapes such as the relationship
between circles and spheres, squares and cubes, triangles and pyramids and triangles
and cones.
- Read, interpret and construct simple picture and bar graphs.
- Learn to use a calendar to determine past and future days of the week and
specific days such as holidays, birthdays, etc.
- Record data from experiments using spinners or colored tiles/cubes. Use the
data to predict which of two events is more likely to occur if the experiment is
- Identify, create and extend a variety of patterns using symbols and objects.