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The Cube of a Number

An exponent is a number that tells how many times the base number is used as a factor. For example, 43 indicates that the base number 4 is used as a factor 3 times. To determine the value of 43, multiply 4*4*4 which would give the result 64.

Cubes indicate that the exponent has a value of three. The term cube comes from the geometrical shape that has the same width and length and height. To find the volume of a cube you would multiply the width times the length times the height.

Exponents are written as a superscript number (e.g. 43) or preceded by the caret (^) symbol (e.g. 4^3).

Some facts about exponents:

  • Zero cubed is zero (e.g. 03 = 0)
  • One cubed is one (e.g. 13 = 1)


Determine the value of each exponential expression


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